Your Video-First & Always Updated Help Center

Get your feature rich, light-weight help center with interactive articles and automated updates

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Drive results

Drive 5x engagement &
30% reduction in support costs

Unlock a new level of user engagement with our dynamic support docs. By integrating interactive videos and ensuring real-time updates, our users have seen a 5-fold increase in engagement and a significant 30% decrease in support-related expenses


Our Core Features


Interactive Video Boost

Dynamic videos for swift doc comprehension


AI-Driven Doc Updates

Automatically identify and refresh outdated docs


Instant Doc Sharing

Distribute docs seamlessly with integrations


Why you Choose Us

Revolutionizing support documentation with automation and interactivity, resulting in 5x engagement & reduced support costs.

Interactive Video Guides

Help Guides that truly help

Create easy to understand interactive content in seconds for a truly self-serve experience


Share them easily

Simplified sharing across your favorite support platforms.

Up to date

Docs are synced with product updates

Product teams move fast and we will always keep your documents up-to-date

Add Interactive Guides

Crafted to engage users & and explain complex flows seamlessly

Utilizing the power of interactive videos, our solution simplifies even the most intricate processes. With Fastpage, support documentation comes alive, ensuring users grasp complex workflows effortlessly and enjoy a more immersive learning experience

Frequently asked Questions

What is FastPage and how does it differ from other support documentation tools?
FastPage is a revolutionary tool that integrates dynamic, interactive videos into support documentation, ensuring not only enhanced user engagement but also real-time updates to keep your content fresh and relevant.
How do interactive videos enhance the support experience?
Interactive videos allow users to engage in a hands-on manner, offering visual aids and step-by-step guidance that can be more effective than text alone, leading to better understanding and quicker problem resolution.
How does the product ensure documentation is always up-to-date?
Our AI-driven system continuously scans for product releases and updates, pinpointing any affected documentation. It then suggests necessary modifications to ensure your support docs are always aligned with the latest product changes.
How does using FastPage lead to a reduction in support costs?
By offering clearer, interactive, and updated documentation, users can often resolve issues on their own without reaching out for further assistance. This self-reliance reduces the strain on support teams and cuts down associated costs.
Is integration with other platforms or tools possible?
Yes! FastPage is designed to integrate seamlessly with various platforms, allowing you to quickly share and distribute your documentation wherever your customers are.

Get Started Today!

Dive into a new era of dynamic support documentation. With intuitive tools and a user-friendly interface, Fastpage empowers you to elevate user engagement and streamline complex topics instantly. Begin your journey now.

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